巾帼不让须眉 游戏中十大女强人的经典语录


  10. Chloe Frazer (神海系列)

  经典语录: “看起来总是我在救你这个笨蛋(Seems like I am always saving your ass.)”


  9. Samantha Byrne (战争机器3)

  经典语录: “不要怪他,有人在他小的时候偷走了他的泰迪熊(Don’t mind him, somebody stole his teddy when he was little.)”


  8. Oerba Yun Fang (最终幻想13)

  经典语录: “你想要保持镇定?闭上嘴安静下来。(You want to keep breathing? Shut up and come quiet.)“


  7. Chun Li (街霸系列)

  经典语录:“别担心,我认为我并没有永久的损坏任何东西。(Don’t worry. I didn’t damage anything permanently, I think.)”


  6. Faith Connors (镜之边缘)

  经典语录:“官方称这些改变,监察,禁止与规章是为了更好。但是好并不意味着对。(The authorities said the changes, the monitoring, banning and regulations, were for the greater good. But good, isn’t the same as right)”


  5. Jill Valentine (生化系列)

  经典语录:“当正义的车轮始动,无人能将其阻止,这是浣熊市最后的机会,是我最后的机会,是我最后一次逃避。(It’s true that once the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop them… nothing. It was Raccoon City’s last chance… and MY last chance. My last escape…)”



  4. Sheik/Princess Zelda (塞尔达传说系列)

  经典语录: “时间流逝,物是人非,就好像涌动的河流,永无终焉。幼稚的心智将变得高尚,青年的爱慕将变得深刻。清澈之水折射着成长(Time passes, people move… Like a river’s flow, it never ends… A childish mind will turn to noble ambition… Young love will become deep affection… The clear water’s surface reflects growth…)”

  3. Jack (质量效应2)

  经典语录:“事实证明,一个人头脑足够混乱,你就可以变成一个人人惧怕之人(Turns out, mess with someone’s head enough, you can turn a scared little kid into an all powerful bitch.)”


  2. Samus Aran (银河战士系列)

  经典语录: “我的过往不是记忆。它是我的坚强后盾,推动并引导着我,并不是确切的指引方向,而是像任何一个故事一样,过往需要得到解决,过往即序幕(My past is not a memory. It’s a force at my back. It pushes and steers. I may not always like where it leads me, but like any story, the past needs resolution. What’s past is prologue.)”


  1. The Boss (合金装备3)


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